martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

12 Things My Grandmother Told Me Before She Died

post written by: Marc

When my grandmother, Zelda, passed away a few years ago at the age of 90, she left me with a box of miscellaneous items from her house that she knew I had grown to appreciate over the years.  Among these items is an old leather-bound journal that she aptly named her ‘Inspiration Journal.’
Throughout the second half of her life, she used this journal to jot down ideas, thoughts, quotes, song lyrics, and anything else that moved her.  She would read excerpts from her journal to me when I was growing up, and I would listen and ask questions.  I honestly credit a part of who I am now to the wisdom she bestowed on me when I was young.
Today I want to share some of these inspiring excerpts with you.  I’ve done my best to sort, copyedit, and reorganize the content into twelve inspiring bullet points.  Enjoy.
  1. Breathe in the future, breathe out the past.  No matter where you are or what you’re going through, always believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Never expect, assume, or demand.  Just do your best, control the elements you can control, and then let it be.  Because once you have done what you can, if it is meant to be, it will happen, or it will show you the next step that needs to be taken.
  2. Life CAN be simple again.  Just choose to focus on one thing at a time.  You don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it all right now.  Breathe, be present, and do your best with what’s in front of you.  What you put into life, life will eventually give you back many times over.  Read The Power of Now.
  3. Let others take you as you are, or not at all.  Speak your truth even if your voice shakes.  By being yourself, you put something beautiful into the world that was not there before.  So walk your path confidently and don’t expect anyone else to understand your journey, especially if they have not been exactly where you are going.
  4. You are not who you used to be, and that’s OK.  You’ve been hurt; you’ve gone through numerous ups and downs that have made you who you are today.  Over the years, so many things have happened – things that have changed your perspective, taught you lessons, and forced your spirit to grow.  As time passes, nobody stays the same, but some people will still tell you that you have changed.  Respond to them by saying, “Of course I’ve changed.  That’s what life is all about.  But I’m still the same person, just a little stronger now than I ever was before.”
  5. Everything that happens helps you grow, even if it’s hard to see right now.  Circumstances will direct you, correct you, and perfect you over time.  So whatever you do, hold on to hope.  The tiniest thread will twist into an unbreakable cord.  Let hope anchor you in the possibility that this is not the end of your story – that the change in the tides will eventually bring you to peaceful shores.
  6. Do not educate yourself to be rich, educate yourself to be happy.  That way when you get older you’ll know the value of things, not the price.  In the end, you will come to realize that the best days are the days when you don’t need anything extreme or special to happen to make you smile.  You simply appreciate the moments and feel gratitude, seeking nothing else, nothing more.  That is what true happiness is all about.  Read Happiness Is a Serious Problem.
  7. Be determined to be positive.  Understand that the greater part of your misery or unhappiness is determined not by your circumstances, but by your attitude.  So smile at those who often try to begrudge or hurt you, show them what’s missing in their life and what they can’t take away from you.
  8. Pay close attention to those you care about.  Sometimes when a loved one says, “I’m okay,” they need you to look them in the eyes, hug them tight, and reply, “I know you’re not.”  And don’t be too upset if some people only seem to remember you when they need you.  Feel privileged that you are like a beacon of light that comes to their minds when there is darkness in their lives.
  9. Sometimes you have to let a person go so they can grow.  Because, over the course of their lives, it is not what you do for them, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them a successful human being.
  10. Sometimes getting the results you crave means stripping yourself of people that don’t serve your best interests.  This allows you to make space for those who support you in being the absolute best version of yourself.  It happens gradually as you grow.  You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do.  So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.
  11. It’s better to look back on life and say, “I can’t believe I did that,” than to look back and say, “I wish I did that.”  In the end, people will judge you in some way anyway.  So don’t live your life trying to impress others.  Instead live your life impressing yourself.  Love yourself enough to never lower your standards for anyone.  Read The Last Lecture.
  12. If youre looking for a happy ending and cant seem to find one, maybe it’s time to start looking for a new beginning.  Brush yourself off and accept that you have to fail from time to time.  That’s how you learn.  The strongest people out there – the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile – are the same people who have fought the toughest battles.  They’re smiling because they’ve decided that they’re not going to let anything hold them down, they’re moving on to a new beginning.

Putine prietene mi-au ramas dar multumesc ca exista

scumpa mea scumpa!

mai intai de toate vreau sa stii ca-mi incep povestea cu tine cu o imbratisare a ta, din toata inima mea. inchide doar ochii si imagineaza-ti ca-ti imbratisez umerii.
asa, acum, ca ne-am facut amandoua o cafeluta cu cea mai imbatatoare aroma posibila, hai sa pove!

n-o sa-ti zic ca esti prostuta sa spui ca te simti inutila. n-o sa-ti spun nici ca diazepamul de ieri seara a fost o inconstienta.
pt ca STIU ca in starea in care esti acum, vorbele mele o sa-ti treaca pe langa urechiuse fara ca macar sa-ti penetreze vreun neuron. ( uuups, de ce-oi fi folosit chiar verbul asta?8-} silly)
iti spun doar ca daca azi, maine, sau cat de curand, vrei sa sfarsesti cu minunea ta de viata, o poti face. dar vreau sa iti amintesti un singur lucru inainte de a da pe gat tot flaconul: DACA faci asta, nu conteaza ca copiii, parintii, ori altcineva te vor regreta! nu o sa reusesti asta decat in mica masura, si temporar si, oricum, la momentul ala, regretele lor nu vor mai avea niciun sens pentru tine. lumea isi va continua mersul si fara tine.
pentru universul asta, in care tu CONTEZI, atunci VA CONTA DOAR CA TU TE-AI RATAT!  ca om, ca suflet, ca destin, ca posibilitate de a schimba ceva AICI!

mai mult nu iti spun pt ca, repet, stiu ca EXACT prin aceleasi stari am trecut si eu. la fel ca tine, NU REUSEAM sa-mi pricep ori sa-mi vad rostul si ma enervau pana la exasperare cei care incercau disperat sa ma faca sa-mi vad valoarea.
eu vroiam doar sa mor si sa opresc pentru totdeauna sirul de nefericiri personale.

din momentul in care am schimbat insa centrul universului de pe propria nefericire pe alti centrii, lucrurile au inceput sa capete alt sens pentru mine.

nu vreau sa-ti dau niciun sfat, giu. cu siguranta ca ceea ce a functionat pentru mine ar putea sa n-aiba niciun efect la tine.
pot doar sa-ti spun ce a mers la mine.
a ajutat sa ma desprind la inceput PUTIN, si paote pentru fractiuni de secunda din zi, de propria nefericire si sa citesc, sa plec urechea ori sa-mi dau voie sa vad nefericirile altora. cu alte cuvinte sa incep sa ma compar cu altii in FAVOAREA MEA!  mi-au fost de un extraordinar folos, articolele din formula as in care se vorbea despre cazuri de extrema urgenta, cazuri REALMENTE disperate. abia atunci aveam reale secunde de revelatie. sa realizez ca nefericirea mea e incomparabila cu a altora si ca puterea mea de indurare e incomparabil mai mica cu a altora.
tot formul as m-a ajutat sa citesc despre oameni frumosi care stiu sa traiasca frumos, m-a ajutat sa redescopar frumosul din propria mea viata.

a mai ajutat apoi muzica ce o asculta. am renuntat la ZU si altele de genul lor si am REtrecut pe radio romania cultural, actualitati, ori muzical.
a ajutat mult si blogul pe care ti l-am recomandat. nici pe mine aveam impresia ca nu m-ajuta deloc. dar M-AM SILIT sa il citesc de cate ori primeam notificari pe email. asa, incet-incet, pe negandite, cele citite acolo si-au facut loc printre sinapsele mele si au inceput sa fecundeze idei si atitudini mai sanatoase.

ajuta mult si comediile la care ma uit. eu pana anul asta aproape ca refuzam sa ma uit la comedii care imi pareau pierdere de vreme. intotdeauna, prima optiune au fost dramele, din care credeam ca am mai multe de invatat. am in continuare, dar, ii ofer si comediei mari sanse. si uite asa, i-am redescoperit pe stan si bran pe care, copil fiind i-am vazut foarte putin.
ma mai uit la superbele desene animate ale lui disney care ma umplu de buna dispozitie.

si nu in ultimul rand, m-a ajutat o micuta carte de rugaciuni. 
eu uitasem sa ma rog, giu, aveam mari discutii cu tata care duminica de duminica, la ora la care pleca la biserica, venea sa ma scoale din pat sa il urmez. si i-am spus  ca nu voi REcalca in biserica decat atunci cand voi simti cu-adevarat sa ma rog.
ei, uite, ca disperarea m-a intors la rugaciune. si de-acolo cred mi-am tras adevarata forta. 
dar, ma opresc aici. stiu ca pana nu vei simti TU asta, vorbesc la luna.

da-ti deci, timp sa arzi pana la carne in  suferinta asta. suferinta singura si doar ea te va curata de tot uratul. abia atunci o vei redescoperi pe frumoasa, puternica si scumpa giu!!
DA-TI DOAR TIMP!!! si, imprieteneste-te cu tine.

lasa-i pe toti. nu mai cere sfatul nimanui. intreaba-te si asculta-te pe tine. si nu te mai certa, nu te mai flagela pentru ce a fost. PT CA TOTUL A FOST CU UN SENS. toti in viata ta au venit si au plecat cu un sens. fie pentru tine, fie pentru ei. chiar daca, poate, acum, nici macar nu intrezaresti rosturile astea. va veni si vremea asta!!! 

pe mine nu o sa ma impovarezi niciodata. ma bucur din toata inima ca ai avut si ai inca incredere in mine sa-mi spui tot ce-mi spui. ti-am spus doar sa imi scrii email pt ca pe de o parte te ajuti pe tine, sa-ti pui in ordine ideile ( de cele mai multe ori messul nu ajuta la asta . STII, NU?:) happy )  si apoi pt ca primindu-le condensate, imi e si mie mai usor sa iti raspund...din cauza timpului, bata-l vina:P tongue

ma opresc aici.
dar n-o sa ma opresc sa-ti trimit binete!

cafeluta s-a sfarsit iar eu te iti mai imbratisez inca o data umerii.>:D< big

 pt ca la tua vita E BELLA!!!
e un video, o lectie de viata, care pe mine sa ridica din orice depresie. 
la vita e bella si zorba grecul!